
Easy Cooking Brown Rice, Instant Pot method

By Justin G. on

I learned about this rice from a friend. Sometimes you want brown rice; it’s got a different flavor than regular white rice. But also, sometimes you don’t want all that flavor. For those times, there is easy cooking brown rice. I liken it to demi-ble, as we used to say in France.

Instant Pot Easy Cooking Brown Rice

Easy Cooking Brown Rice Bag



  1. Optional: rinse rice until the water is clear. I like to do this like they do in the Japanese restaurant videos on YouTube: swish in a strainer in a big bowl of water, and change out the water a couple of time. The agitation and not-just-letting-the-water-run aspects make me feel better about it. I have no idea if it is more effective or a better use of water or what. Let it dry for a few minutes in the strainer. Or just put the rice in the pot.
  2. Add the rice and measured water to Instant Pot and set pressure to high and cook time to 12 minutes. Allow about 10 minutes before degassing.
  3. Serve.


Good for eating. Or use it to make fried rice later.

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