
updated waves

By Justin G. on

While investigating the location of one of the buoys for wave height reports, I found the Scripps pages for them. They’re much better, they include a short forecast. This is right after I updated tides. Note that the wave forecast and tide forecasts aren’t in the same places for Cape Mendocino.

Also added the SF Bar station. The idea is that the Santa Cruz waves are in the shelter of Monterey Bay, whereas the SF peninsula coast waves are probably better represented by the SF Bar station. It makes sense to also include the area forecast too.

See more links on the Interesting Links page.

To Reply: Email me if you've got some _even_ better sources.

Posted: in Links.

Other categories: evergreen-updates.

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Tags that connect: [[ocean]] updated area ocean links, 2022-09-04: Poipu Beach, Kaua'i, HI; [[tides]] updated area ocean links; [[weather]] Week Notes No. 45: Daily Bits, New to me Facts and Ideas in March 2024, Daily Reports from Unknown Places, Earth's full disk, New to me Facts and Ideas in February 2024.

Tags only on this post: none.