
Upcoming Eclipses and Locations

By Justin G. on

Atlas Obscura has kindly curated a list (Internet Archive, just in case) so we can make our future travel plans now.

The Link: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/next-solar-eclipsea

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Tags that connect: [[astronomy]] New to me Facts and Ideas in June 2024, Ideas page update, New to me Facts and Ideas in April 2024, Pinhole Sun, APOD, Fascinating Facts, December 2023; [[eclipse]] Pinhole Sun, New to me Facts and Ideas in March 2024; [[space]] Geostationary Banana Over Texas, Ars Technica Science Coverage, NASA Blog for the ISS, ISS Photo, Adding Space Weather Link, NASA's small solar sail mission, APOD, Earth's full disk, Beautiful Mars, Bolides and Fireballs, Fascinating Facts, December 2023, Psyche mission.

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