
Space Weather Live

By Justin G. on

This one is pretty focused on only one topic: space weather. During period of high solar activity that can mean aurora borealis at lower altitudes. Right now we’re in the part of the solar cycle when the chances are higher that the sun will produce solar flares. That period will likely continue for the next few years, and then there will be years of quiet time for the sun. I added several other related links back in May, but those webpages don’t check themselves; this one does.

The Link: https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en.htmla
The Feed: https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/rss_news.xml

See more links on the Interesting Links page.

To Reply: Email me your space weather sources.

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Other categories: link-roll; link rss blog.

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Tags that connect: [[space weather]] Week Notes No. 9, Adding Space Weather Link.

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