
Week Notes No. 42: Learning Currents

By Justin G. on

I’ve decided to split up the Media et al into two posts. I’ve noticed that there are really two themes here: learning things and entertaining things. Separating them gives each more room to breathe. Tomorrow I’ll publish the fun stuff.

Most of this is about the events in Washington.

A spoon in a glass filled with water. The glass and water optically distort the spoon.

A distorted view.

  1. Articles & Newsletters
    • Thank you Wil, for this moment of resistance and respite.
    • So, it’s coup week:
    • I’m considering going back to print.
    • On having a donut. I cautiously agree. But a lot of the time I eat a donut and feel like garbage afterwards. So maybe something is wrong with me. Or donuts. More investigation is needed here. The mind may want a donut, but the body surely keeps the score. If we’re not careful, the mind is easily deceived and hijacked. All for want of a donut.
  2. Words
    • mǣrþu: greatness, honour, glory, fame. I know it’s very likely coincidence, but it seems to align with Martha (from Dark), and I don’t believe that name has any of those connotations.
  4. Links

Zen surf camel.

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Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes; media et al; learning currents.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[Dark]] Week Notes No. 43: Mixed Diversions, Week Notes No. 41: Media et al, Week Notes No. 40: Media et al.

Tags only on this post: coup, robotics.