
Week Notes No. 44: Daily Bits

By Justin G. on

Heading out to Death Valley, so content will be lighter than usual.

Almanac / outlook, Feb 17 to 23

A warming trend. By the weekend it may be breaking the 70 F mark. But, there is a chance of rain on Wednesday.

Sun rising before 7, and setting at almost 6. That’s 11 hours of daylight this week. The Moon is waning, but still gibbous; some light at night.

Day Bits

  1. FEB17MON
    • Sweet, sweet day off.
    • Packing for Death Valley backpacking. It will be unusually warm. Not problematically warm, just warmer than anticipated. So, I will bring my least insulated sleeping back.
  2. FEB18TUE
    • This warmer weather is so nice. I don’t want to short change necessary winter–we always need the water. But, speaking selfishly, I do enjoy the feeling of warmth, so the break is nice. I hope it’s a break anyway, and we get another couple of storms.
  3. FEB19WED
    • Well, that was a day that didn’t let up. Busy busy at work. Running around last minute getting things together for backpacking. I’m supposed to sleep too, aren’t I?
  4. FEB20THU
    • Backpacking in Death Valley. In a winter heat wave, so nice temperatures.
  5. FEB21FRI
    • Backpacking in DV.
  6. FEB22SAT
    • Backpacking in DV.
  7. FEB23SUN
    • Backpacking in DV.

Outside Events

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Tags that connect: [[backpacking]] What I'm up to this week, Week Notes No. 13, Gila Wilderness, Ideas page update, Week Notes No. 8, Ideas page update; [[Death Valley]] Week Notes No. 45: Learning Currents, New to me Facts and Ideas in January 2024.

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