
updated tags and categories

By Justin G. on , updated:

Over the weekend I greatly expanded my use of tags on posts. I’ve decided that being greedy with tags is going to be a better strategy. That means that posts should be greedy about the tags that are attached. Prolific, frivolous but on topic, take a chance tags. Anything that I think of, even if it seems to duplicate information in other tags. I’ve noticed that my mind is less good at keywords, many concepts float to the top and it’s not at all likely to be the same keyword when the idea is surfacing months or years apart. This strategy leverages that tendency. It encourages more chance encounters, more likely connections to form. These are all exposed on the bottom of the posts.

I’m also exposing more of the categories. Some posts get more than one category and there isn’t any reason to keep this a secret. I am being more judicious with the categories though. Categories are broader, more thoughtful, more like library sections. I might even evolve (or append) to Johnny Decimal, but I still want to be somewhat organic rather than prescriptive about it.

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Posted: in Updates.

Other categories: none.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[tags]] Tags are used to link related posts.

Tags only on this post: categories, johnny decimal.