

It’s like breadcrums. Or bookmarks. But raw-er. These are a quick capture of my journey through the web. I often think of things from weeks ago that I want to refer to. And I’ve found that I haven’t kept the tab open. So it’s impossible.

The practice:

  1. Notice that I have read it and thought about it.
  2. Capture it here, with assistance from the Apple Shortcut.
  3. Actually describe it in my own words. This is just the facts ma’am.
  4. Add a comment if I have one. This is the place for editorializing or opinionated statements.
  5. These can be anything, it’s not meant to be something important or whatever. That’s decided later.

The points are to capture it, but include some minimal friction so that I actually stop and notice what I am doing here. Describe it in my own words so that I might remember it better later. And then I’m free to close the tabs, with hopefully somewhat less risk. I hope.

Another thing to note, I may filter out the things that I am already familiar with. For example, if it’s something that I think I would be able to find on vague memories alone, I may fool myself into thinking that I don’t need to do this stuff. I am probably mistaken, but nonetheless I persist.

Later I plan to add daily posts of yesterday’s crumbs and an RSS feed. In the mean time cmd/ctrl-f is the way. Below is the last 100 days. For all of the years, see 2024. That’s it, just this year so far.