
Basic Pancakes

By Justin G. on

I’ve had two go-to recipes for pancakes: Bittman’s and Ruhlman’s. This is Ruhlman’s from Ratio,1 which makes thicker pancakes that are a little more delicate.

Thick Pancakes

The ratio here is 2 flour, 2 liquid, 1 egg, 1/2 fat.

This is my dairy free version.

Note: Add a little acid to the non-dairy milk so it will activate the baking powder: 1 t to 1.5 t apple cider vinegar in your measuring cup and then fill to 1/2 C with oat milk.

You could mix in toasted nuts such as pecans or walnuts, chocolate chips, berries, or bananas. Or spices: cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, etc.


A griddle is ideal here. Any shallow pan will do.


This should make 4 4-inch pancakes, or 6 or more smaller sized ones. It’s enough for 2 people for a light lunch. Double, triple, or more for larger crowds.


Whisk together in a bowl to thoroughly combine.


Combine all in another bowl, making sure that the baking powder is fully granulated.


These steps come together so fast that you probably want to begin heating the griddle before you start mixing.

  1. As already mentioned, combine the wet and whisk to combine.
  2. Similarly with the dry. If you want a thinner pancake, add a splash more milk.
  3. Add the dry to the wet and whisk together until fully wet.
  4. Heat a griddle over medium heat, add a bit of oil, and cook a few minutes on each side.


Serve with butter, maple syrup, berry jam2, apple butter. I’ve heard some people like peanut butter. Honey is nice. Additional fresh fruit.


This recipe has been known to induce naps.

According to Ratio (p. 70) double acting baking powder contains its own acid, so it seems like you can just skip the apple cider vinegar in the oat milk. I have not tried this yet. Also here it says 1 t baking powder to 4 oz of flour (5 g to 110 g) is a good starting point for how much baking powder (or soda). Double it for more rise. Also, 4 oz of flour is a scant 1 C.

Bittman’s recipe (from How to cook everything vegetarian, p. 200) is approximately the same, except for his uses considerably less salt. I find having a bit more salt is better.3 The starting point for the ratio of flour to liquid is maybe less (so more wet), which results in thinner pancakes. My conclusion is that the thickness of the resulting pancakes is quite sensitive to this ratio.

This same recipe also makes fritters, just skip the fats, and add lots of interior mixins. Vegetables, mostly.

  1. This book is one of the core reference cookbooks in my library. Highly recommended for decoding one of the essential themes of cooking a wide range of basic foods. 

  2. If you aren’t making your own berry jam, you are missing out. To see what a difference some homemade things have compared to store bought, start here. It’s zomg different imo. Follow up with your own quality ice creams. But, like, only do this if it’s your thing. 

  3. We’re not talking industrial food amounts of salt here, so I don’t think your heart doctor will have any concerns. But also, I’m not that kind of doctor. 

To Reply: Email me your favorite pancake topping or mix-in.

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