
Week Notes No. 39: Appetites

By Justin G. on

Couple of random food notes from the week.

Roasted kale is the answer. When the kale is grown in your own garden, at least. That may be the secret ingredient.

Recipe: preheat the oven to 425 F. Clean, de-stem, and tear the kale. In a bowl, toss it with oil and salt. Arrange on a sheet pan, preferably lined with parchment. Spread it out, even like. Place it in the oven, it will take at most 15 minutes to cook. It will wilt, and toast a bit. Turn it once, just flop chunks of it over with tongs or a fork, so the other side might get a little color. Present it and squeeze lemon over it.

It’s delicious.

Also: Derek’s quick noodles (slyt) look fabulous.

To Reply: Send noodles.

Posted: in Culinaria.

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