
Almaden Quicksilver County Park

By Justin G. on

Quicksilver County Park, CA

Recording: 12 m, 15 mb, and there is a 28 m version on YouTube, with some video that I’m not too happy about. From

You can see some new equipment in the picture that I am starting to use. I’m pretty happy with it, and the audio. The video that I took with my now getting very old camera is something that I am less happy with.

I had a lot of time on my hands while I was sitting around waiting for the sound to record. One of the things that I thought about was that the daytime sky on a cloudy day is probably pretty similar to what our prehistoric ancestors would have seen. I think this was after someone else had made the point that sea is a similar view that we have and still can share with our oldest forebears. It set me off thinking of what other things we can still share with them, and what things we have lost that they had. In some sense we have traded those things for what we have today that they didn’t and couldn’t have. I’m still thinking about that.

To Reply: Email me what you still hear.

Posted: in Field-recordings.

Other categories: recordings.

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