This is my blogroll. It’s more of a feedroll because it can include anything with an rss feed: blogs, newsletters, podcasts, even forum feeds. There is an OPML you can import, or you can just view it on FeedLand.
The Neighborhoods added
It’s mostly photos (and history) of NYC neighborhoods. One at a time.
#photography #NYC
NASA Blog for Artemis added
Updates on going to the moon.
#space #Moon #NASA #Artemis
Spaceflight Now added
Regular updates on launches and other space news.
#space #launch #youtube
Space Weather Live added
Timely updates on the big events going on in the sky.
#space weather
Ars Technica Science Coverage added
Space news and more.
#space #science #Polaris Dawn
NASA Blog for the ISS added
Updates on science and events on the International Space Station
#space #ISS #NASA
NASA’s small solar sail mission added
A bit of the future may be arriving.
#space #science #NASA
APOD added
Astronomy Picture of the Day
#astronomy #science #art #NASA #space #imaging #photography
Craig Mod’s Newsletters added
An American in Japan that likes to walk a lot. And take photos.
#photography #life #walking
Daily Reports from Unknown Places added
A different sort of weather report.
#weather #observations of life #art
Beautiful Mars added
Gorgeous images of the surface of Mars.
#space #Mars #art #science #imaging