I’m engaging a new line of enquiry and examination. I’m trying to get precise with a particular genre of YouTube. It’s probably some untranslatable German/Japanese/Norse lacunae word for that tired mood when you want to see and hear something but not too much of it. Pardon my vagueness while I try to grope my way to some clarity.
The video is not something too engaging, yet still lightly interesting. Maybe just visually stimulating, maybe something kind of ASMR but not really. I suspect it satisfies that need to be present with others or in some head place that isn’t so common to find in the modern world. I’m not going to fall asleep or anything; I’m not trying to. The video should be neither distracting nor monotonous. This is video content for when you’re tired, or not feeling great, or otherwise kind of brain dead.
Everyone’s taste is different, but there does seem to be quite a lot of this kind of content uploaded to YouTube. Since I kind of tour around to different things, I thought I would grab a snapshot of some of the videos that work for me these days in this area.
Oh, and it really helps if you can get rid of the ads. I pay for YT without ads, but some ad blocker may work. To each their own.
Some alternate titles: lazy yt, unwinding yt, yt and chill, cozy yt. I saw koselig yt may fit the bill, but I don’t really know.
There are rather a lot of different varied content that can fit this bill. I don’t think I’ll be able to get all of it. Instead of being exhaustive, I’ll just link to some things from my actual viewing history.
No talking: Udon shop, maybe there’s talking but it’s usually indistinct. Imamu Room, Korean bakery, hiking, hiking in Iceland, rain walking, Snow walking, UK walking.
Some talking: Martijn Doolaard, French language GR5 hiking, French language alpine hiking, Waymo ride along.
Rather a lot of talking: Time Team, full episodes, French language alpine glacier documentary, UK photog in France.
Live Jams: Remixsample, State Azure.
Long play no commentary video games: Stardew Valley, Zelda content, but you have to mute it. Assassins Creed Ancient Egypt, note also check out Across The Map.
This list was drawn from my history over the last month or so, plus a couple of extras. There are a couple of sources missing, so I may someday do an update.
This Ask MeFi Post is pretty similar to what I’m looking for, except I’m not trying to fall asleep in front of the TV.
To Reply: Email me your favorite relaxing 'tubes.
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Tags that connect: [[internet]] Trust and Internet and Ai, The Hofmann Wobble, Borges and AI, Add Webcams Link; [[youtube]] Spaceflight Now, Week Notes No. 4.
Tags only on this post: watching.