Progress on field recording, and a writing reset of sorts.
Commited to publishing a file this week on YT, so I manually processed the file in Audacity. Minimal processing: gain adjust, limiter, fade the ends. Quickly made the images, merged with ffmpeg, and uploaded to YT. It goes live tonight. Probably going to be the quietest file on there, that isn’t just silence and a black screen. I’ll also trim off 15 minutes of the dawn chorus and use that in a post of my own later this week.
Captured the work I did with the python tools to git. That includes the failed finalizing with pydub script, but also some useful tests I wrote. I also updated the image maker for making movies. It all went rather fast once I said “eff it, just do it by hand.” So that’s a couple of weeks “lost” futzing around trying to automate something. I would say that the very useful bits are the preview tool that chops the NN hours of audio into 1 hour chunks for easier listening and noting.
I am focusing on getting better at my high fiber diet this 30 days.
Finished reading Do Interesting by Russell Davies. I picked up some ideas to try for capturing what I notice, and collecting it, and even sharing.
I am maining reading The Year 1000 by Lacey and Danziger. This is mainly research for some questions and ideas I have around a couple of things. One is something like “what beliefs did people have that fundamentally alter their approach to living?” and another is around this “history rhymes” idea. I didn’t think it would be such compelling reading, but it totally is!
I evaluated my strategy for getting these essays and ideas I have into more developed states, and well, evidence is that I am not making as much progress as I would like. So I am dropping the whole digital aspects as the main thing and trying for something more intentional and hand written. At least until it starts to look like a draft where proper word processing would help. I find that the jumble of notes in a digital file is just too overwhelming to work with when it comes to actually writing. I’m not even sure how reliable of an excuse that really is.
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