
(Mid) Week Notes No. 7

By Justin G. on

Notes: this is published a week after it was mostly written. Oops.

Change of plan: keep this on Sunday because it requires a bit of time and thinking. Move the Now page update to Mondays; it requires less thinking.

Still working on this revised schedule.


No work in this space this week.


I completed the 7 day project of sunset photos, and got some good ones.


Even more notes this week than previously. It might be a new personal best. Is best the right word for it?

Seasons and Days:

The 30 days of fiber is a tentative success. There have been some gains in my habits around making sure to eat enough of it, but they are by no means assumed.

For the next 30 days I’ve chosen to reduce idle time on my phone. More next time on that.

To Reply: Email me what you have been up to this week.

Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[30 days of]] Week Notes No. 9, Week Notes No. 8, Week Notes No. 3; [[sunset]] Week Notes No. 45: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 23, Week Notes 21.

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