
Week Notes No. 3

By Justin G. on

What did I do this week?

  1. Phonography:
    • Made another run at the PyDub export tool I am trying. But it seems that exporting ~12 hours of 44.1 kHz mp3 is just too many samples for 64 bit math (I’ll have to do the math on that). It works great for doing 1 hour chunks though, so I’ll keep that win. I guess I’ll pursue one of a) script interface to Audacity, b) maybe I can do it in ffmpeg directly (but those flags are a whole language to themselves), or c) just do it manually in Audacity.
  2. Seasons and Days:
    • As expected, this was a week off. And it was the last week. So I didn’t get to 30 minutes per day every day. Maybe it’s just not my thing.
    • Next 30 days starts tomorrow. I have to review my past ideas before finally selecting the next focus. I feel like I am losing focus, maybe it means I should have a fallow month.
  3. Reading
    • Finished up This Night’s Foul Work by Fred Vargas. It was good, maybe not quite great. I was gotten by the double twist though, and wasn’t able to pick out the villain before the finale.
    • Also finished Neuromancer by William Gibson. I plan to write up some notes so I can do a better job of remember more than just the rush of ripping through it. It still holds up, only a couple of minor things that I would choose differently today vs in the 1980s.
    • Started Do Interesting by Russell Davies. So far it’s ok.
    • I’ll pick up something else too, or maybe just read more Syntopicon.

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Tags that connect: [[30 days of]] Week Notes No. 9, Week Notes No. 8, (Mid) Week Notes No. 7; [[Davies]] Now update, Week Notes No. 4, Now update; [[Do Interesting]] Now update, Week Notes No. 4, Now update; [[Gibson]] Now update, Now update, Week Notes No. 2; [[Neuromancer]] Now update, Now update, Week Notes No. 2; [[python]] Week Notes No. 4; [[recording]] Bi-Week Notes No. 14, Week Notes No. 13, Week Notes No. 4, Week Notes No. 2, Inaugural Week Notes, Recordings Feed, Joshua Recordings, Soundshot; [[This Nights Foul Work]] Now update, Now update; [[Vargas]] Now update, Now update, Week Notes No. 2.

Tags only on this post: ffmpeg, pydub.