
Week Notes No. 10

By Justin G. on

More text here than I expected.


No progress here this week.


Unexpected opportunity struck in the photography department. Twice.

red shouldered hawk in flight over a dirt road next to an empty canal

24MAY18SAT Red Shouldered Hawk

I also succeeded in getting the Shortcut to work for adding pictures to the Working Copy repository for this blog!


An old friend and I are starting a memoire-ish project. I think we just want capture on paper some of our memories from college. It will be fun to work with someone on it, but we’re keeping the ambitions low. We’ve given it the label “F Street Blues”, or well that’s his label. I just call it “F Street.”

Reading and Notes

New notebook week! Making the switch always feels like it might be a risky moment. All these full pages, they just go away. And the new notebook, it’s so… empty. But things have already started going again.

Nearly done with extracting notes The Year 1000. I should be able to mail it out this week.

I was reading Where good ideas come from, but now I’m just skimming. As I read through it, I found the stories less compelling and more hypothetical or speculative. I became unconvinced that it was a very thorough accounting of what it purported to be. So I’m just checking through the second half before I put it in the donation pile. I did pick up one thread I want to pull on: Darwin’s journal from the Beagle sounds like it might be a good example of descriptive writing and journaling. I’m looking for some good concrete examples of this to model in my own writing. Email me, maybe.

Two other things I read recently and found inspiring or useful:

Seasons and Days

The hoped for reduction in general second screening and dumb idle scrolling (death time), well it hasn’t showed up yet. Possibly the rejection of the good ideas book as good reading is part of it. A friend of mine has taken to leaving their phone in the car for the evening. Having an Apple brand smart watch enables that. I have one of those, so it’s an option. But my problem isn’t the pocket computer; it’s the iPad (eye-paddle). Unsubscribing seems to help.

Backpacking prep

Running and general fitness continues apace.

To Reply: Email me if you have any tips.

Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes.

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Tags that connect: [[Darwin]] Week Notes No. 16, Most Up To Date Now Page, Bi-Week Notes No. 14, The Now is Now, Now Now, Late updated Now; [[The Year 1000]] Week Notes No. 9, Week Notes No. 8, Week Notes No. 5, Week Notes No. 4.

Tags only on this post: Good ideas.