
Week Notes No. 17

By Justin G. on

Recapping the week. A day late.

How does one bang this out in 30 minutes or less? These have been taking me a couple of hours to write. My current working theory is that it’s a form thing. Once I settle on a

Monday JUL29

Went to a friend’s house (TFam) to hang out, get a car wash, and watch their kids do an egg drop. Three of the contraptions kept their eggs whole despite being tossed off the garage roof!1 My wife gave the kids a ride in our convertible Beetle after. Felt like old timey fun, just driving around the block with a different set of kids each time!

Tuesday JUL30

A quite busy day of meetings at work (from home), maybe my fullest schedule yet. I’ll just leave a question that I was thinking about in the middle of the week. I think the price of a thing, the dollar amount, is intended to encapsulate the whole cost of that thing. But how can it? How much does it really cover? There are external things, like environment costs. There are personal things, like the time you’ll spend or the space it occupies. It seems to me that just being able to have these questions is a luxury good here. Anyway, how to think about costs. That’s the question.

Wednesday JUL31

I commuted into the office today, and found that I was unexpectedly anxious as I got closer. There is no explanation for it, the big meeting had been the day before and it had gone just fine. The drive was also fine, no near misses or very unusual objects in the road2 or particularly pesky fellow commuters. The only thing that I can figure is that it’s because of my long absence from being there in person. The last time I found myself bodily in the office was in the second week of June. That’s a long period of time away from there. Sort of like asymptotic freedom, as I became very near to the building any anxiety I felt ebbed away to such a degree that I barely remembered it at all throughout the day.

Thursday AUG01

Are you watching the Olympics? I’ve been sampling many different sports, definitely preferring to watch them in real time (well, tape delay), uncut, long play format. I’ve particularly enjoyed Table Tennis and Badminton. I surprised myself with how many opinions I had about surfing on the first day, given that I know almost nothing about it and have only incidentally seen a couple of other competitions in the past. At least in this venue, and this setting, and these waves, it’s a very relaxing sport to watch.

Friday AUG02

Caught up with a couple of friends today, C and B. I’m so happy that I make time to do this and that they do too. In one of the conversations we noted how much things have changed just in the last 25 years, and how improbable it is that we have adapted or even understand the first or second order effects of very many of those changes at all. I should make a list, even if it would seem a very obvious one.

Saturday AUG03

Tomato season is upon us. I started a loaf of bread last night and baked it this morning. It had a singular purpose: tomato sandwiches. These tomatoes are the freshest, home grown, heirloom tomatoes. My wife grew them in her community garden plot (I helped a little). These sandwiches are the most pure form: tomato, bread, mayonnaise, salt, pepper. I know, it’s sounds plain, but if you like tomatoes, this is probably the place to start.

An up close view of a tomato sandwich. Two slices of homemade whole wheat sourdough sandwich bread around a slice of tomato dressed with mayonnaise, salt, and a little black pepper. It is cut on the diagonal, just as sandwiches should be. The plate is gray.

Tomato Sandwich, purest form.

Sunday AUG04

Late start to the day. Chatted with a couple of neighbors while out walking the dog. Went to Costco much later than is our preference, and the melee was more than I wanted at first. But checking out was fine, and there was a pocket of calm in the potted plants section. I’m kind of unsure what the right attitude is to have about that place. On the one hand, a household of two is not the right size for shopping there. On the other hand, there are only a few things we buy there, but they’re good and dependable. We find good fruit there, reliably if we pay attention. Good watermelons, in season. Pre-cut veg is good. Occasionally some durable goods too. But like 90%+ of the stuff there, it’s waay too much quantity, or we just don’t need it. Shrug. For now.

  1. A parent did the tossing. 

  2. I kid you not, the other day I saw a 3 pound sledgehammer right on one of the middle lane lines. I only noticed it because we were all driving quite slowly at the time. It was practically invisible. That will ruin your day. 

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Tags only on this post: costco, olympics, tomato.