
Week Notes No. 19

By Justin G. on

Smaller week.

Character / Week Notes Key has the decoder ring for the people mentioned.


We saw one of our favorite neighborhood dog walking friends this morning. And we had both gotten back from travels, so we spent an extra long walk swapping stories of our experiences. It was fun!

Restarting the running is always hard. It’s been extra hard this time. Felt like I had lead boots on. Only managed about 80% of my goal. The more important thing to recognize is that I got out there and got the ball rolling. That effort will pay dividends later in the week. Between the heat and my lack of running lately, I suffered through.


WFO. Quite a few meetings. Actually, an unusual amount of meetings. All afternoon. Or maybe a new normal amount of meetings? It was a rush of context switching and a lot of talking. But, was I effective? Time will tell.


I caught up with JH1 today. It has been a few months, and it feels just normal to pick up again. I’m glad to hear that he’s doing well. He’s got a new kid and know that can be a tiring time, but everyone is good. The baby boy is teething.

As luck would have it, I also caught up with CH today too. Another old friend, we hadn’t connected in a few months just because of schedule differences. He had recently come back from Taiwan, and it was cool to hear about his trip.

For dinner we made pesto beans, and baguettes (round 2) that I also made. There is a recipe, but it basically is what it sounds like, made a little more saucy with some broth. The recipe calls for some mild bean, probably cannellini, but we used butter beans. Did you know that butter beans are lima beans? I only learned that recently. Good thing I like lima beans. The pesto stands up well to their robust flavor, and the baguettes were delicious too.


Tomato season is cresting. There is such a thing as too many tomatoes. Tomato salad. Panzanella. Stewed tomatoes. Tomato sauce. Tomato sandwiches. We can’t keep up. They’re delicious. You want something different. They pile up. We don’t give up.


Friday means weekly chat with B. We go over our usual topics: garden, politics, Ukraine, sailing, health, reading, watching. It’s always a refreshing and engaging, deep and ranging, conversation. I’m glad we’ve kept it up, for years now.


Ran in to MV together this morning and we were all achatter about the new houses being built. We form an impromptu pool on when they will be finished. Maybe we differ on the definition of “finished,” but I’m quite optimistic about this building crew’s speed.

In the afternoon we drive up to Mt. Madonna, a county park in the mountains where TFam is camping and having a birthday party for their middle child. A couple of observations: these folks know how to glamp! And, for not being that far away, this park feels quite out there. And the drive out, after getting off 101, was intriguingly backroads, I smell exploration possibilities.

AUG25SUN - today

Ahhh, pizza night. I do the stewing of the tomatoes in the morning, my first time doing this. Same day Ken Forkish dough, it’s best in a really hot wood fired oven, but also very good in my kitchen, which is the plan for today. And it doesn’t disappoint: meets expectations. But those expectations are oh so high. That sauce, from our own stewed tomatoes is so so good, the real star of the show.

And A made key lime bars for dessert!

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Tags only on this post: CH, JH, Morgan Hill, Mt. Madonna, Watsonville.