
Two Week Notes No. 11 & 12

By Justin G. on

It’s a two-fer since I didn’t get the update out before I left on a trip. There is quite a bit of content in here.

As I mentioned my most recent now page update, I watched this video and it helped.

I1. Field Recording:

Not much action here, but I realized that I didn’t mention something I noticed last week. I was out there in the Quicksilver Park area, and I stopped to listen. Because when I was listening to that recording after I made it, I noticed there was this low rumble. I figured it was the highway, like miles and miles away. Or some other city noise. Or I suppose it could be these high tension power lines that run through the area. I didn’t think I was close enough to them. So I’m listening, and it could be the wind in some particular stands of trees? I’m not sure, but it was really there, not some electrical pickup thing. So I want to come back and like walk around and have another listen, with my field recording gear.

Also preparing for a field trip. So my backlog of recordings will grow a little bit.

Post trip / week 12 (Gila Wilderness)

So I did a couple of things different this time despite 2 nights in the backcountry and 1 in the frontcountry. I suppose I could have recorded in the frontcountry site, but a) there were a lot of other people around and b) I was saving the batteries for the wilderness. In the wilderness we stayed both nights in the same base camp, and did a lot of walking besides so I wasn’t interested in a long distance drop rig setup. Bottom line: only one night recorded.

The other difference was I tried to capture a couple of things with my phone while away from the rest of my gear. Some particularly nice wind in the trees, for instance. Maybe those will make into a soundshot.

I3. Photography:

Good times at the Marshall Cottle Master Gardener plots. The overcast morning made for wonderful even light for photographing the bees and flowers.

An up close view of the purple blossom on an artichoke plant.

24MAY25SAT Blooming Artichoke

Post trip / week 12 (Gila Wilderness)

Hooboy, over 1000 photos made in the last few days. I even took a picture of a person in one of them.

I5. Plotting:

Currently working on a small library for applying computing probabilities of points in my art frame.

I6. Thinking:

Maybe too much? I was out and about in the wilderness with no internet to distract me. It was glorious!


While out walking in the woods I felt really compelled to write down my thoughts on how important it is to ‘make it work for you’. So look forward to that… sometime.

Reading and Notes

I started reading Charles Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle. It’s his journal from when he was a young man hired as the naturalist on the HMS Beagle in the early 1830s. I am pleasantly shocked at how readable it is. My goal was to read good examples of descriptive writing, and this is perfect for that. I thought it would be boring, but it is not at all. Email me if you know any other good description writing!

Seasons and Days

Phone simplifications, Assistive Access, via Hacker News comment.

I7. Backpacking:

Trip to the Gila Wilderness. It was great! I made a list of 12 take-aways from the trip so I am better prepared for next time. Less No. 1: bring less food.

I8. Cooking:

Some tasty backpacker meals that I will report on later. A couple of loafs of bread.

I9. House Projects:

No work here.

Other Interests, not pursued.

Note that I2. Drawing, I4. Synthesizers, I11. Family Tree, and I12. Astrophotography are all deferred to later times. I identified several other interests beyond I12 that were not yet numbered and are also deferred to later. I’ll migrate these items to the Ideas page. I10. Travel is not really an ongoing concern to so only added in as needed.

To Reply: Email me MAYBE.

Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[The Voyage of the Beagle]] Week Notes No. 16, Most Up To Date Now Page, The Now is Now, Now Now, Late updated Now.

Tags only on this post: gila wilderness, marshall cottle park, parks, quicksilver park.