
Week Notes No. 38

By Justin G. on

Mostly a week spent in the American Riviera, Santa Barbara, California.

A bundle of brown seaweed on the sandy shore.

Seaweed. Santa Barbara, CA

Almanac / outlook

Lows of 44 and highs of 65 or 70 here in Santa Barbara. Clear skys.


Santa Barbara is an interesting place, one that I find difficult to explain. My best hypothesis is that all the evidence of wealth is due to it being imported from elsewhere, namely LA but possibly the rest of the country or world too. The climate, at least on this January week, was ideal.

We put together a list and map of places to visit.


Spent the day at the marina and the beach nearby. Enjoyed Dart coffee. These oil platforms off the coast are surreal.

More stuff on the offshore oil fields: Ellwood / Platform Holly, Coal oil point seep, Carpenteria offshore oil field.


Downtown. Handlebar Coffee and Alessia pastries. The Presidio. Chaucer’s books. Via 42 Maestri for dinner.

The LA fires began this day, and throughout the week, other than attending to whether we were at risk in Santa Barbara I mostly ignored them and enjoyed my vacation. See also the YT weather forecast, and a follow up on Saturday.


A day in, plus photowalk.


Found Dune coffee, which was also very good. Devareux Beach in Goleta, CA. Rocket launch viewing at Lompoc.


Lunch on campus and drive back. The sunset ombre was gorgeous!


Running, chores, a loaf of bread. Less screen time.

The LA wildfires increasingly hit home. This is another surreal event. See also Stray Thought on contrasts below.


Bias toward action: clean up garage, work on fitness, read more instead of interneting.

Also, coming to you live from grocery shopping for some reporting on the bird flu egg shortage.



Finished Ancillary Mercy and started Translation State both by Ann Leckie.

Bought a copy of Theft by Finding by David Sedaris. Maybe I will pair it with Kafka’s Diaries.

My new skill for reading this year is I plan to practice keeping some easy read around even when I am reading some harder material so that I don’t just default to a screen (ie doom scroll or other form of boredom waste) whenever I don’t feel like reading the harder stuff. I need a stack of those on the lower shelf of the coffee table.


Any Austin on the boring places in GTA V. I love these places. And I’m looking forward to finding what they cook up for GTA VI whenever that comes out. But it won’t be any mountains, because Florida doesn’t have those. Hopefully there will be some island and “river” and swampy stuff though. Should be good. Or garbage. Hard to say.

LA weather before the fires.

Sarah Cooper with a Q1 update.


Fever Ray.

Anjunadeep 15 and 14.

Some older Hot Chip on the drive. And the Hot Chip Tiny Desk Concert.

Royksopp Nebulous Nights (slyt) and Profound Mysteries I-III (slyt).

Rich Aucoin Octave the Cat and Moog.


S1E9 of Dark.



Facts or ideas


pain is not just one thing. It’s a thousand different things, all called ‘pain.’

Dr. Gereau in Chronic Pain is a Hidden Epidemic. Related.

Stray thoughts

Truth default but world update resistant

Humans are truth default when the information is novel to them but also extremely skeptical or even blind to new information that is contrary to their held beliefs. Is this right? What is the split between these two defaults?

Those LLMs

I have been making a more concerted effort to explore the uses of the LLMs.1 I have access to Gemini through work, and I have a personal subscription to Claude bc I appreciate their philosophy more. I’m leaving ChatGPT aside for now, but am open to revisiting that later. Honestly, I’ve had the most success by using it as a coach for photography and fitness. I’d like to find other strengths as well. My strong preference is to use it as a teacher or as a technician, but that may be limiting it. Based on my experiences so far, it feels like one solid use case is something like an advancement of spell + grammar checker: it can tell you where your writing is strong or weak, what changes you should consider making to improve, etc. Maybe it’s the interactive nature of the chat interface that requires you to write out your thoughts and then gives you quick feedback on if what you are saying is having the desired effect. That’s neat.


The cognitive dissonance of watching2 all the worldly chaos, and yet my own life continues to be, thankfully, mundane. When I came home from my recent trip, this contrast really came home for me too. The ordinary-ness and uninterrupted continuity that I am fortunate to have…. I don’t know if it’s true, but I feel like humans are not well adapted for this firehose of human scale/relatable impacts across the globe. But nor should we ignore it and leave it all to the powers that be. What to do in this situation? How long can it last?


All. Of. The. Goddamn. Interruptions.

One cannot even open a website that you’ve paid for without an interruption. Or multiple interruptions. Begging for more of your attention. I’m here already, is that not enough? This is absurd. It’s maddening.

Stop. It.

I seriously think about just not using the internet except for specific precision strikes. In that way, it’s like going shopping. Get in. Get out. Do not loiter. Be not distracted. You can hardly find what you’re trying to buy through all the clutter of what you didn’t come to buy. The experience is not enjoyable. And the fact is that it could be better. Other sites, sites that are not so brand focused, those sites show it can be another way. They respect you and your time and attention by giving you what you came for.

Clutter / minimalism

I read something interesting yesterday, I’m not sure where, that it might be that those extremely tidy houses may not be quite what they seem. You know the ones - they’re not cluttered up with papers here and books there and just other things all over the place. It could be that those people are living an extremely disposable lifestyle. They buy the thing that they need, use it, and then throw it away. Or maybe donate it. Whatever it is, they don’t keep it around to mess up their aesthetic. I guess it costs some bucks to do that. But I’d rather not just be tossing things out all the time. I’ll keep ‘em, and keep the money too. So what if my house is a bit messy. I really live in it too.

  1. Yes, I know about the copyright stuff. Buy direct, buy from artists. If you want something to continue to exist in the world, find a way to support it. We will find a way to continue to create. 

  2. I’m not even watching all the closely. I check the wikipedia current events page once a week. I poke my head in on some of the social medias. I try to, and mostly succeed at, not doom scroll. I don’t watch the nightly news, nor regularly open any of the mainstream newspapers. I have a couple of news sources in my feed reader, such as Intrigue and News Minimalist. I guess The Economist’s feeds count as pretty current events, but it updates approximately weekly. Some individuals I follow comment on the news occasionally, so I rely on their filter effect to only surface news worth being aware of. Even with this, I think I hear about more things than I can reasonably do anything about and has an emotional toll. 

To Reply: Email me your stray thoughts.

Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes; stray thoughts.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[alcohol]] New to me Facts and Ideas in March 2024; [[fitness]] Notes for the New Year; [[LLMs]] New to me Facts and Ideas in October 2024; [[news]] News Section Gets Fact Checking Links, added mainstream news sources; [[pizza]] Week Notes No. 42: Appetites, Week Notes No. 27, What I'm up to this week, Latest New Now, Week Notes No. 19; [[running]] Week Notes No. 43: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 37, Notes for the New Year, Week Notes No. 36, Week Notes No. 35, Week Notes No. 32, Week Notes No. 30 and 31, Week Notes No. 29, Week Notes No. 28, Week Notes No. 27, Week Notes No. 26, Week Notes No. 25, What I'm up to this week, Week Notes No. 24, Week Notes No. 23, Week Notes 22, Week Notes 21, Week Notes No. 20.

Tags only on this post: Claude, contrasts, do you even lift?, eye color, facts, firehose, interruptions, oil, overwhelm, popover, Santa Barbara, slime molds, Stray Thoughts, Totino's, truth, WHO, World Health Organization.