
An Imperfect Library of Noticing

By Justin G. on

These are some resources I’ve found helpful for noticing more, and noticing what I’m noticing. These are books1 that I myself have read and found to be relevant to noticing more. But, it’s not a perfect list. I haven’t surveyed all the possibilities. I haven’t even found a great handle for finding other sources (email me if you have figured it out). So here, I present to you, what I know so far.

So much of noticing is thinking. So much of noticing is attention. Noticing is openness.

I think the biggest leg up for noticing more is knowing a little of the thing that you are intersted in. With a tiny bit of knowledge you can begin, you have eyes (even if those are are one of the other senses) If you know nothing, you don’t even know what to look for at all. There’s very little payoff from all the time spent looking. You’re missing so much of the unknown unknowns. So, once you know there is a niche you want to see more of, just go find the shortest introduction you can. It’ll pay you back a hundred fold.

Alternatively you can just go in totally blind. It’s liberating and freeing and a pure sensate inquiry of yourself and the environment. Very flow. You might find something that no one has noticed before.

Looking, Noticing, Attention

These sources deal directly with the topic at hand.

From the Arts

Artists are always making something of the things that they notice, whether inwardly or outwardly. They’re such observers and recognizers, even when they aren’t able to say what it is that they have put their finger on. Of course they have an extensive practice and library of this subject. Lots of tools here for tuning the mind and attention to notice what you are noticing.


Similar to the artists, writers are also great noticers of things. In order to write it, you have to become aware of it first. And you have to attend carefully to what you are resonating with too.

Mind Skills

These references are indirectly related, but still useful.

If you have some tips on other good sources, books, podcasts, blogs, what have you, I’m all ears. Use the link below.

  1. They’re all books for now, but I intended to include some other things too. 

  2. I didn’t link to it, so that keeps the list all books, right? 

To Reply: Email me your best references on noticing.

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