
Updated Now

By Justin G. on

Kind of surprised at how short the list is these last couple of weeks. I think between being emotionally focused elsewhere, and some new projects starting at work, I just have less free bandwidth right now. It’s not really a bad thing.

What I’m reading

Well, this is a bust. Almost no reading this week. Still planning to make progress on Beagle though.

Ongoing reading projects

These are books that I plan to take my time with. Maybe years.

What I’m doing

Gardening, mostly. It’s kinda fun. I’ve been caretaking my wife’s plot at the community garden while she’s away. Can’t really claim that much credit: she planted it all. I did some weeding and watering and stuff. Tried to keep up with the basil. But also there is a heat wave. So hopefully we don’t have any problems.

What I’m listening to

What I’m cooking

Kind of minimal cooking. Trying to not introduce unnecessary heat into the house.

What I’m watching

All these are on hold while my wife is away:

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Tags only on this post: Caravan Palace, Gifgas.