
Updated Now

By Justin G. on

Covid sucks. This is published on an off-nominal day to get something up, to get things restarted again.

What I’m reading

Well, this is a bust. Almost no reading since last update. Considering abandoning Beagle and resetting. Did manage to read a little Syntopicon.

Ongoing reading projects

These are books that I plan to take my time with. Maybe years.

What I’m doing

Surviving Covid.

What I’m listening to


What I’m cooking

Almost nothing these last couple of weeks, bc Covid.

What I’m watching

A lot of binge watching this week while fighting with covid for the first time.

All these were on hold while my wife is away:

What I’m playing

I’ve been having a once a night game night with a friend for the last few months. We’ve been playing Fortnite Save The World, which is fine. Mostly it’s an opportunity for us to catch up and chat. Our options are pretty limited because his system is a PS and mine is an Xbox. We had just started to switch to No Man’s Sky, when a new update dropped, and the update for Xbox is taking longer to come out, so we just co-played at the same time and chatted over Discord this week.

To Reply: Email me your crossplay gaming suggestions.

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Tags that connect: [[gardening]] Week Notes No. 45: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 16; [[Maigomika]] Week Notes No. 41: Media et al, Week Notes No. 40: Media et al, Latest New Now, Most Up To Date Now Page, The Now is Now, Now Now, Late updated Now, Update to Now, Another Regular Now Update, Update to the Now page; [[NMS]] What I'm up to this week, Week Notes No. 23, What I'm doing Now, Latest Now Page Updates, Latest New Now, Update to Now, New Now Update, Week Notes No. 16; [[Severance]] Week Notes No. 45: Mixed Diversions; [[Syntopicon]] Folks Be Programming, Week Notes No. 15, Update to Now, Now update, Now update, Now update, Now update.

Tags only on this post: Axel F, Crazy Rich Asians, Firefly, Living With Yourself, Master of None, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Van Helsing.