I keep my reading notes here. Sometime it’s a quote or idea rewritten in my own words. Sometimes it’s a reaction. And sometimes I just write about the book I am reading.
Oh, and reading is used very loosely. Any source of ideas that I am paying close attention to, and was put together by another person, can be something that I am reading.
— Some non-fiction recommendations in book-notes.
Is it self-help? More like an operator’s manual.
— In 2024 I read 27 books in book-notes.
Some of them were good, quite good in fact.
— On Looking by Horowitz, part 3 in book-notes.
Reading notes, part 3 of 3.
— On Looking by Horowitz, part 2 in book-notes.
Reading notes, part 2 of 3.
— Plain words about the truth in web-notes.
Just tell it how you see it.
— On Looking by Horowitz, part 1 in book-notes.
Reading notes, part 1 of 3.
— Market logic takes over everything in web-notes.
from Ezra Klein podcast interview with Graham Burnett.