
About Page and Feed Added

By Justin G. on

I’ve added a separate about page and rss feed. The about text still lives on the site landing page, but it also has its own dedicated page now too. The text in both places is derived from the most recent post in the about category. This way there is a record of the changes.

I don’t expect it will update very often, but I am templating an idea that I would like to extend to a few more pages in the future, specifically also “ideas”, “now”, “uses”, and “defaults”. See About Ideas Now.

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Posted: in Updates.

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Tags that connect: [[additions]] added photostream, Blogroll added, Now and Ideas pages added, Postcards section debut, Added Link-Roll, Added Notes, Updates Page; [[rss]] added photostream, Postcards section debut, Added Notes, Til Rss, Recordings Feed, Updates Rss, Added Rss.

Tags only on this post: none.