I have added also the Now and Ideas pages (and feeds) because I guess they’re (again) all the rage. My current about page is a little dated, and now page was just copied from another place I have one. But I think the right content is coming into focus now, so expect updates. This completes the popular trio About Ideas Now, and so I’ve requested my site to be indexed there. Yay discoverability!
I think I might also add Uses and Default Apps pages in the near future. I have mixed feelings about that, it sounds a bit like advertising. But it’s also sharing knowledge so maybe it’s ok.
Here’s a little bit about my plan for all of these: they’re actually blog post categories.
It’s just that the foo/
page shows the latest post in that category.
The nice thing about that is I get a record of past states of the pages, something that I had always thought was missing before.
To Reply: Email replies are the best replies.
Posted: in Updates.
Other categories: none.
Back references: none.
Tags that connect: [[additions]] added photostream, Blogroll added, About Page and Feed Added, Postcards section debut, Added Link-Roll, Added Notes, Updates Page.
Tags only on this post: none.