I’ve added a new section that is called Postcards. The first postcards answers the question “What are Postcards?”. I added it so I have an excuse to share some of my photographry but not be committed to a full photos section yet.
As usual there is a dedicated rss feed for it.
To Reply: Email me a postcard.
Posted: in Updates.
Other categories: none.
Back references: none.
Tags that connect: [[additions]] added photostream, Blogroll added, Now and Ideas pages added, About Page and Feed Added, Added Link-Roll, Added Notes, Updates Page; [[photography]] The Neighborhoods, Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits, Notes for the New Year, Iphone Photography Awards, APOD, Craig Mod's Newsletters; [[rss]] added photostream, About Page and Feed Added, Added Notes, Til Rss, Recordings Feed, Updates Rss, Added Rss.
Tags only on this post: none.