
Week Notes No. 2

By Justin G. on

What did I do this week?

  1. Phonography:
    • Completed identifying the usable section of the first night of my Death Valley recordings. Developed my pydub workflow and probably ran straight into a library or even python limitation when working with very long recordings. I will explore alternatives. I would like to upload that file this week. There are alternate measures I can take such as manually exporting the file with Audacity as I have been doing before this.
    • I did test several HPF settings with both of my mic pairs. Seems like anything 60-100 Hz would be fine.
    • Also picked up some tea filters for making diy wind breaks. Should be some fun experimenting.
  2. Photography:
    • Some photos made and test prints printed.
    • Added a couple of photos to the site.
  3. Seasons and Days:
    • I was able to get out and run several times this week.
    • I did not succeed at 30 minutes of exercise each day of the week. This week it will not be possible for legitimate reasons.
    • It’s time to start thinking about next month’s 30 days focus. I will continue with the season of body.
  4. Notebooks: new notebook day is tomorrow, my first Leuchtturm. I had considered using one of my Seven Seas but I find that I really take advantage of the hardbound covers and the SS is not that.
  5. Reading
    • Looking forward to wrapping up This Nights Foul Work. I’m sure Neuromancer will burn through so quickly. Then back to some idea books / non-fiction.
  6. Watching: Repo Man was very strange indeed.

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Tags that connect: [[death valley]] Week Notes No. 15, Bi-Week Notes No. 14; [[Gibson]] Now update, Week Notes No. 3, Now update; [[Neuromancer]] Now update, Week Notes No. 3, Now update; [[notebooks]] About Updated, About Updated; [[recording]] Bi-Week Notes No. 14, Week Notes No. 13, Week Notes No. 4, Week Notes No. 3, Inaugural Week Notes, Recordings Feed, Joshua Recordings, Soundshot; [[Vargas]] Now update, Week Notes No. 3, Now update.

Tags only on this post: photography prints, Repo Man, This Nights Fould Work.