
Notes for the New Year

By Justin G. on

At the beginning of this year, I wanted to capture some thoughts and ideas that I can refer back to throughout the year. Articulate my thinking around plans and goals. I want to have something that I can use to reflect back on at the end of the year. As usual, it’s mostly for my own use; feel free to read along.

Writing and Photography

A couple of project goals: building some more of my writing and photography practice.

I have made some specific goals in photography to develop and explore my own themes more deeply with several projects. It’s framed loosely around time commitment and output instead of anything more specific than that. I’ll produce a small body of work around those developing themes, and later seek some more outside input or critique.

My plans around writing are less committed, and less specific. I’d say it’s more about capturing input and continuing to enrich the broth of raw material. At some point it will become strong enough that the right outputs will become obvious. I do want to capture more quotes and words and random thoughts. I wouldn’t mind it if I got these blog posts / waste book notes / whatever into more discoverable and usable shape. I plan to continue organically iterating toward that throughout the year.

I plan to continue reading intentionally, carefully, interactively. Extracting more of that material to here is a soft, aspirational, goal.

Body and Wellness

Just keep running through the winter, which is typically the hardest month for me to keep going through. If I can get out there 3 days each week, I am happy. If possible, I would like to add in some other body weight exercises on the off days. Essentially this means PT type exercises. I guess, if I think about it, some type of fitness activity each day of the week for around 30 minutes would be ideal. It’s not a particularly ambitious goal, but it would be new for me.

As always, I would like to eat better generally. I don’t think that I eat poorly, and I don’t mind at all that I occasionally have something naughty. But. I have been eating more than I should lately, and I would like to cut that out. Also, I’ve noticed that there are some things that I want to eat that my body doesn’t particularly care for. Maybe it never has and I just never noticed. For example, I can have some apple fritter, but not a whole one. Probably not even a half one. And if it’s not scratching the itch that I want it to, then eating the whole thing won’t do it either. So, cut that out. Anyway, that’s the goal.

I’ve had a short term meditation practice, low key, nothing special. And it was good. I should do more of that.

Internet and Screens

Less of them in general, but the insidious thing is that they are also unavoidable. I won’t be any more specific than to say that doom scrolling is not relaxing. Make sure you are using your time for what you want to be using it for.


The coming year promises to be a lot. A lot of projects that I want to work on. A lot of challenge for me personally. I’m excited about that. But nervous too, because expectations are high. I’ll do my best. But I want to keep it in check, in balance, not get out of control with effort or time. Give the work it’s due, but give the rest of my life it’s due too.


There are a few projects around the house that I would like to see checked off by the end of the year. Future me, you know what these are: garage, some furniture, maybe some back patio updates. I think that last one is undecided, but some other project is doable this year. So let’s do it.

To Reply: Email me your New Year plans.

Posted: in Notes.

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Tags that connect: [[fitness]] Week Notes No. 38; [[food]] New to me Facts and Ideas in June 2024, Fiber; [[photography]] The Neighborhoods, Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits, Iphone Photography Awards, APOD, Craig Mod's Newsletters, Postcards section debut; [[running]] Week Notes No. 44: Learning Currents, Week Notes No. 43: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 38, Week Notes No. 37, Week Notes No. 36, Week Notes No. 35, Week Notes No. 32, Week Notes No. 30 and 31, Week Notes No. 29, Week Notes No. 28, Week Notes No. 27, Week Notes No. 26, Week Notes No. 25, What I'm up to this week, Week Notes No. 24, Week Notes No. 23, Week Notes 22, Week Notes 21, Week Notes No. 20; [[writing]] Ideas page update, Ideas page update.

Tags only on this post: garage, house, new year notes, screens, work.