
Week Notes No. 43: Daily Bits

By Justin G. on

Can you tell that my work week was busy? I think you can tell.

Almanac / outlook, Feb 10 to 16

Cold mornings in the 30s, rising to mid-40s. Highs in the mid-50s all week. Rain Tuesday to Friday.

The sun is rising earlier, around 7, and setting later, almost quarter ‘til 6. Full moon this week, so bright nights. If it’s not cloudy.

Day Bits

So much weather. Running was impacted; I’m such a fair weather runner. Here’s what I did with it.

  1. FEB10MON
    • Standing in the dog park this evening, it was very cold. One friend had texted me saying it might snow in the Bay Area. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, kids. Maybe a dusting at the highest elevations, gone by the afternoon. I saw no weatherman mention this.
  2. FEB11TUE
    • Solid running today. Consistent pacing, steady effort. Felt good. Glad I ditched the gloves; it wasn’t that cold.
    • It continues to be quite cold - by local standards. When the evening sun is hidden behind the hill, the air draws the heat right out of you. It drives you back inside, sending you home too soon from the dog park. Days are lengthening, but our time outside isn’t. Yet.
  3. FEB12WED
    • Driving in the rain. Across town for a meeting in the evening.
  4. FEB13THU
    • Driving rain. Like really coming down. I had no reason to go out, so I didn’t.
  5. FEB14FRI
    • WFO. And riding in the company self-driving car. I was duly impressed, and would ride again at the next opportunity.
  6. FEB15SAT
    • Mitsuwa. Pays to get out early so you can find parking. And the good stuff goes quick; produce, deli items, fresh cuts of meat and fish.
  7. FEB16SUN
    • Helped a friend with their first bread loaf. I hope it starts them on a delicious and bread-y journey. And that we can exchange loafs in the not-too-distant future.

Outside Events

Many events going on, and my busyness kept me from noting much of it.

  1. It’s widespread flu season.
  2. So we’re going to cancel the penny now? I think it’s still an ‘if.’
  3. Many other government related things this week. What a mess this is.

To Reply: Email me about your days.

Posted: in Notes.

Other categories: week notes; daily bits.

Back references: none.

Tags that connect: [[bread]] Week Notes No. 40: Appetites, New to me Facts and Ideas in November 2024, Week Notes No. 26, Week Notes No. 18, New Now Update, Bi-Week Notes No. 14, Inaugural Week Notes; [[dogs]] New to me Facts and Ideas in December 2024, On Looking by Horowitz, part 3; [[running]] Week Notes No. 40: Daily Bits, Week Notes No. 38, Week Notes No. 37, Notes for the New Year, Week Notes No. 36, Week Notes No. 35, Week Notes No. 32, Week Notes No. 30 and 31, Week Notes No. 29, Week Notes No. 28, Week Notes No. 27, Week Notes No. 26, Week Notes No. 25, What I'm up to this week, Week Notes No. 24, Week Notes No. 23, Week Notes 22, Week Notes 21, Week Notes No. 20.

Tags only on this post: Mitsuwa, pennies, self-driving cars.